Camp St | Residential Development


Client: Private Developer
Project Type: Advisory, Residential
Project Manager: Jake Oram
Location: Upper Hutt, Wellington

Challenge and Opportunity

The Camp St project is a new two-story multi-unit building within an existing residential development that presented challenges, such as maintaining the safety and minimal disruption of current tenants. This residential project was not just about expanding the housing capacity but also about elevating housing standards and fostering a suitable and inclusive community environment.

Approach and Execution

To navigate challenges faced for the Camp St project, a comprehensive and collaborative approach was adopted. Stakeholder engagement was prioritised, with fortnightly site meetings and monthly progress reports, supplemented by regular check-ins through email or phone calls to ensure project progress was aligned with the project schedule and also to address concerns promptly. The project team, comprising of experienced professionals in construction and project management, focused on ensuring safety without compromising the project's timeline or quality. Efforts to maintain the residential compounds landscape while accommodating new developments displayed the team’s commitment to regulatory means.


Innovation, Impact, and Prospects

The Camp St project is a testament to efficient housing development, integrating suitable design principles for future projects. By maintaining a balance between developed spaces and natural vegetation, the project not only meets the immediate housing needs but also contributes to the region's long-term development. The successful delivery of this project reinforces the strategic vision of enhancing the quality of life and housing availability in the area. Looking ahead, Camp St is another cornerstone inspiring further investment for inclusive housing solutions.


Faisandier Group Limited | Molesworth Street


FLiP | Mt Roskill